• +(507) 360-5533
  • +(507) 6618-1115
  • info@panamaoffshoreprivacy.com

Attractiveness of the Private Interest Foundations in Panama

What attracts many persons to establish a Private Interest Foundation:


1. They can be established for benefit of one or several people, a family or for a specific social purpose.


2. They can be used to control and keep the goods of foreign Corporations, due to the Foreign Corporations Control rules in their own countries.


3. They can be the holding of the Corporations’ shares, instead of issuing them to individuals or to the Bearer, thus avoiding the reports on regulations of the Foreign Corporations Control.


4. It has neither registered owner nor beneficiaries publicly nowhere.


5. It can be used to transfer funds abroad, or to receive funds from abroad thorough donations. The advantage is this case, that the fiscal regulations are avoided that certain governments impose as "donation tax" and that requires exhaustive reports.


6. They do not perform regular commercial activities, as the Corporation do. But they can do it from time to time, as long as they are used for the objectives of the Foundation.